July 2018
Date: March 13, 2019
July 2018 was pretty dang good for Salmon and all bottom fish in Ketchikan Alaska. There was a great abundance of pacific cod, ling cod, rock fish and halibut. King Salmon, pink Salmon and chum Salmon were the stars this July. The silvers were around but it was a grind to find a big school of them. My favorite to chase in July is chum Salmon hands down. They are the second largest Salmon and are a very very hard fighting fish. And boy were there a lot of them in July the last few years. We landed 10 that made the Alaska trophy class (over 15 pounds). With 3 over 20 pounds. I’m anticipating another big year on chum Salmon, pink Salmon, silver Salmon, and king Salmon. The abundance index and the projected returns look really really good.