July was absolutely phenomenal fishing lots of king, pink and silver salmon the halibut fishing was pretty much non stop as long as you hit the right tide.
Author: ketchikanadmin
June 17-23 2019
Salmon and halibut fishing in Ketchikan Alaska. The king salmon fishing in Ketchikan is unbelievable right now! Seems to be getting better and better everyday. This week we had 6 kings over 30 pounds with the biggest being 37. The halibut fishing is also getting better and better. We’re starting to see a few silvers and pinks also! If you want to go salmon fishing in Ketchikan or halibut fishing in Ketchikan give us a call! We have a couple of time slots left in August and September.
June king salmon in Ketchikan 2019 and summer forecast
We’re only half way through June and the king salmon fishing in Ketchikan has been Phenomenal! We’ve landed quite a few kings over 30 pounds already! Fishing in Ketchikan is picking up every day. The halibut are really starting to roll in now. There’s already a trickle of summer silver salmon coming in so we are optimistic on there being a good summer run! We have some availability for August and September for giant fall coho and halibut give us a call so we can put you on the fish!
Ketchikan fishing season
The first fishing trip of the season was nothing short of epic. A couple from Bozeman Montana were in Ketchikan for work and booked a full day charter. We dropped Dungeness crab and shrimp pots before anchoring for halibut. In just under an hour we had two nice halibut in the boat so we moved on to rockfish which also didn’t take much time. King Salmon are not open for retention yet but we decided we would make a pass or two and play catch and release. Sure enough boom a nice king hit and put up a great battle. Thinking the day couldn’t get much better we moved on to pulling crab pots. In the first two pots we already had their limit of crab so the next two pots were just fun to look at and count how many can fit in a pot. The very first shrimp pot was loaded and we met their limit. The next three pots were just as full what an epic first trip. I’ll see you guys back here in September for fall silvers!! The ketchikan fishing season is underway and looking great so far! If you’re looking for a fishing charter in Ketchikan Alaska give fish finder charters a call today!
2019 Ketchikan Fishing Season
We are looking forward to the 2019 fishing season here in Ketchikan Alaska! The abundance index for all Salmon species is up from 2018. Which means the halibut will fallow them in! Ketchikan is the Salmon capitol of the world which also makes for great bottom fishing which includes everyone’s favorite HALIBUT! Other great eating species are ling cod, rockfish, pacific cod and black cod. We guide all bottom fish and salmon species including king Salmon, chum Salmon, silver Salmon and pink Salmon. If you want a thrilling fishing experience with a born and raised local Ketchikan guide give us a call, we will customize the perfect Ketchikan fishing experience for you, your friends, and your family! We offer everything from short Salmon or halibut trips for the cruise ship passengers to multiday Salmon and halibut trips. The 2019 fishing season is booking up quick so please give us a call or email soon to reserve your spot and pick your dates!
July 2018
July 2018 was pretty dang good for Salmon and all bottom fish in Ketchikan Alaska. There was a great abundance of pacific cod, ling cod, rock fish and halibut. King Salmon, pink Salmon and chum Salmon were the stars this July. The silvers were around but it was a grind to find a big school of them. My favorite to chase in July is chum Salmon hands down. They are the second largest Salmon and are a very very hard fighting fish. And boy were there a lot of them in July the last few years. We landed 10 that made the Alaska trophy class (over 15 pounds). With 3 over 20 pounds. I’m anticipating another big year on chum Salmon, pink Salmon, silver Salmon, and king Salmon. The abundance index and the projected returns look really really good.
June 2018
Man do I love June! This month did not disappoint we landed a lot of kings and a lot of halibut! June is the month for chasing trophy class king Salmon. They come in through the inner channels of Southeast Alaska on their way to their spawning rivers. This is when they are the biggest. They’ve been out in the ocean for 4-7 years feeding on herring krill and squid. If you’re looking for trophy chinook Salmon or just your first king salmon June is your month. The halibut fishing around Ketchikan is really good in June they tend to come in with the kings and migrate to their summer ranges. Wether you’re coming to ketchikan on a cruise ship or coming up for multiple full days of fishing we have a trip for you!
May 2018
May is a special month in Ketchikan Alaska , hunting for giant king salmon is always fun. This May was pretty good king (chinook) salmon fishing and even better halibut fishing. Seeking out a big king in May can take some time but you’re looking for a trophy Salmon not nessisarily to catch 20 in a morning and fill a fish box. This is why I love it.
Ketchikan Fishing Charters
Fish Finder Charters is based out of Ketchikan, Alaska which is a prime location for anglers looking to catch their fill of Alaska Halibut & Alaska Salmon. Captain Colby Slanaker’s charter fishing service offers a thrilling Ketchikan Guided Fishing Trips for anglers that are looking for heart pumping Salmon Fishing & Halibut Fishing. The Pacific Halibut is the most talked about Gamefish found in Alaskan Waters. Our Ketchikan Halibut Fishing Charters will deliver unparalleled action on your next Ketchikan fishing adventure. Ketchikan King Salmon (Chinook) is another popular target species for many of our guests. King Salmon Fishing Charters provide fierce fighting action for anglers that are looking to try their hand at tackling Large Salmon. Please take some time to view my website and you’ll find that we offer several types of fishing charters and Ketchikan Sightseeing Tours.