Ketchikan Salmon fishing is hot

The silvers are starting to show up in Ketchikan!! Salmon and halibut fishing in Ketchikan is on fire right now. There’s a ton of pink salmon, the cohos (silvers) are starting to come in, there’s still some kings around and the halibut fishing is phenomenal! Come fishing in Ketchikan Alaska! You will not regret it there’s almost no pressure and no crowd!

Salmon Fishing on FIRE

The salmon fishing in Ketchikan is on fire right now! The pink forecast was on the lower side this year but seems to be stronger than last year which was out of control. The silvers are steadily building and there is still some king salmon around! What fun it has been! Oh yeah and with almost zero pressure on the halibut in Ketchikan they seem very abundant in all of the old holes! Hope to see you this year it’s the perfect year with zero pressure and the fish are abundant.
Ps the king salmon limit just got raised for resident and non resident anglers!