June 17-23 2019

Salmon and halibut fishing in Ketchikan Alaska. The king salmon fishing in Ketchikan is unbelievable right now! Seems to be getting better and better everyday. This week we had 6 kings over 30 pounds with the biggest being 37. The halibut fishing is also getting better and better. We’re starting to see a few silvers and pinks also! If you want to go salmon fishing in Ketchikan or halibut fishing in Ketchikan give us a call! We have a couple of time slots left in August and September. 

June king salmon in Ketchikan 2019 and summer forecast

We’re only half way through June and the king salmon fishing in Ketchikan has been Phenomenal! We’ve landed quite a few kings over 30 pounds already! Fishing in Ketchikan is picking up every day. The halibut are really starting to roll in now.  There’s already a trickle of summer silver salmon coming in so we are optimistic on there being a good summer run! We have some availability for August and September for giant fall coho and halibut give us a call so we can put you on the fish!